
  • Toyo Ito @ UCLA Dec. 10


Thursday, October 18, 2007


EX_01 tested our abilities at pattern recognition and design. We began by isolating patterns in six individual images, 2 patterns each from their respective sources of nature, machine, and film; their patterns were combined to form one cohesive image, (first image). We then went through multiple stages of extraction to modify this image to create a new emergent pattern, (second image below). Again, we went through phases of reduction and optimization until we arrived at a final piece of the pattern that we would use in some way to arrive at a new pattern that was simple yet incredibly refined. In my particular project you will see this "pinwheel" shape that served as the basis for my pattern. The pinwheel shape is a simple derivation that is easily capable of being replicated and attached to one another. I became interested in the idea of a pattern based on the relationship of a multiplicity of objects. The 2D pattern (last image) is the final outcome of this exercise. However, our findings here would greatly influence our work in EX_02. (click images to enlarge)

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